Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 60.zip
BS1 part 60
Imagemaster d4.adf
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Text File
378 lines
\: - This is the Quick Help for the special panel -
\: ----------------------------------------------------------
\: Written by David E. Patterson
\: ----------------------------------------------------------
\font topaz.font 8
\tc 1
\dd "imh_descriptor"
\index "hlp_index/index"
\toc "hlp_toc/toc"
\help "aa_help/help
\settab 35
\node "mx_numrect"
\title "Numeric Rectangle"
\next "mx_freeline"
\prev ""
This control allows you to specify a rectangular area of exact dimensions.
\node "mx_freeline"
\title "Freehand Line"
\next "mx_dotfreeline"
\prev "mx_numrect"
This tool allows you to draw a freehand area around an area you want to work
with. This tool can produce very complex area selections, and for this
reason, some blend functions will not work with complex freehand areas. It
is for this reason, it is \{ \ts i highly recomended \} that you use an \{ \ts
i UNDO \} buffer.
See Also: \{ \ts b \tc 15 \link "Undo Buffer" "mb_hlp/mb_useundo"
\node "mx_dotfreeline"
\title "Dotted Freehand Line"
\next "mx_rectcen"
\prev "mx_freeline"
This is an area selection that is very similar to a freehand area. This tool
is primarily used in the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Paint \} panel to create a dotted
effect. If it is used in the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Process \} panel, it will act
just like the regular freehand tool.
\node "mx_rectcen"
\title "Rectangle from Center"
\next "mx_rectcorn"
\prev "mx_dotfreeline"
This tool allows you to size and move a rectangular region over a region you
want to work on. This rectangle will remain centered over the starting
point. The rectangle is sized by pressing and holding down the left mouse
button, and is moved by pressing down the right button at the same time.
\node "mx_rectcorn"
\title "Rectangle from Corner"
\next "mx_oval"
\prev "mx_rectcen"
This allows you to size and move a rectangle over any region you might wish
to manipulate. The rectangle is sized by pressing and holding down the left
mouse button. The rectangle can be moved to any position on the screen by
holding down the left mouse button, and then holding down the right mouse
button. It is important to remember that when you release the leftt mouse
button the rectangle will be placed.
\node "mx_oval"
\title "Oval"
\next "mx_polygon"
\prev "mx_rectcorn"
This allows you to size and move an eliptical shape over the region you wish
to work with. If at any time you would like to reposition the elipse, simply
press down the right mouse button, as well as the left, and move the shape to
the desired position.
\node "mx_polygon"
\title "Polygon"
\next "mx_polyarc"
\prev "mx_oval"
This tool allows you to create a many sided figure over the work area. There
is no limit on the number of sides. The left mouse button is used to make
all of the sides of the polygon, except the last side, which is created by
clicking the right mouse button.
\node "mx_polyarc"
\title "Poly-Arc"
\next "mx_spline"
\prev "mx_polygon"
This tool is an innovation by Black Belt Systems. Polyarcs are polygons that
use arcs as their sides instead of lines. This tool allows you to create a
multiple sided curved shape.
\{ \ts b \ts u \tc 15 \ce Step by Step use of the Polyarc Tool: \}
\tab (\{ \tc 10 1\} ) \{ \lm 65 Place the first end of the arc by pressing
the left mouse button. \}
\tab (\{ \tc 10 2\} ) \{ \lm 65 Place the other end of the arc by moving the
\{ \ts i crosshairs \} the desired direction and distance from the first
point, and pressing the left mouse button. \}
\tab (\{ \tc 10 3\} ) \{ \lm 65 You can now size the arc's center by moving
the \{ \ts i crosshairs \} to the desired position and pressing the left
mouse button. \}
\tab (\{ \tc 10 4\} ) \{ \lm 65 The last arc is placed by following the
previous instruction, but instead of the left button you use the right mouse
button. \}
\node "mx_spline"
\title "Spline"
\next "mx_shapecen"
\prev "mx_polyarc"
This will create a \{ \ts i spline \} curve along the specified points. The
spline curve will use smooth polynomials to connect the specified points.
The points are placed using the left mouse button, and the final point is
placed by pressing the right mouse button. This tool can create some very
interesting area selections, but you will need to experiment with this area
selection tool to get used to the way the spline curves are placed.
\node "mx_shapecen"
\title "Shape from Center"
\next "mx_shapecorn"
\prev "mx_spline"
This tool allows you to load an \{ \ts i IShape \} , and size and place the
shape. The left mouse button will increase and decrease the size of the
shape, and the right mouse button will allow you to move the shape to the
correct location. The shape will be placed from the center of the shape.
\node "mx_shapecorn"
\title "Shape from Corner"
\next "mx_entire"
\prev "mx_shapecen"
This tool allows you to load an \{ \ts i IShape \} , and size and place the
shape. The left mouse button will increase and decrease the size of the
shape, and the right mouse button will allow you to move the shape to the
correct location. The shape will be placed from the corner of the shape.
\node "mx_entire"
\title "Entire Image"
\next "mx_flood"
\prev "mx_shapecorn"
This will make the \{ \ts i entire image \} the work area, and the entire
image will be affected by any operations that you choose.
\node "mx_flood"
\title "Flood Fill from a Starting Point"
\next "mx_adjlastarea"
\prev "mx_entire"
This tool is primarily used for selections in the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Paint \}
panel. This will paint an area that has colors similar to the one you
clicked on. This is similar to a flood fill operation in a paint program, \{
\ts i except \} that with 24 bits you need to specify a variance. The
variance will tell \{ \ts b Imagemaster R/t \} the amount of difference that
is allowed between the selected color and surrounding colors for carrying out
the selected operation.
\node "mx_adjlastarea"
\title "Adjust the Last Area Selected"
\next "mx_holdprim"
\prev "mx_flood"
This button allows you to alter the previous area selection. The center box
allows you to move the entire shape using the left mouse button. The other
boxes are used to change the size of the area using the left mouse button.
The right mouse button will place the shape, and executes the selected
operation. This mode is not available for \{ \ts i \tc 10 Numeric
Rectangle\tc 1 , \tc 10 Flood Fill\tc 1 , \tc 10 Color Keyed\tc 1 , \tc 10
Entire Area\tc 1 , \ts n and the \ts i \tc 10 Redo \ts n \tc 1 \} area
selection methods.
\node "mx_holdprim"
\title "Hold Aspect from Primary Buffer"
\next "mx_useprev"
\prev "mx_adjlastarea"
This tool will cause the rectangle or ellipse being drawn to exactly match
the aspect ratio of the primary buffer. This will have no effect on any
other draw modes. You may need to change the aspect ratio of the primary
buffer using the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Set Aspect Ratio \} in the \{ \ts i \tc 10
Buffer \} panel.
See Also: \{ \nw \tc 15 \ts b \link "Set Aspect Ratio " "mrc_hlp/mrc_imageaspect&dpi"
\link "Hold Aspect from Secondary" "mx_holdaspect"
\node "mx_useprev"
\title "Use Previous Area Selection"
\next "mx_union"
\prev "mx_holdprim"
This will allow you to do a new process in the previously selected area,
provided an area has been selected wih the current buffer. This allows you
to try several different effects in the same area without having to reselect
that area. This tool, along with the \{ \ts i Undo \} buffer, give you great
flexibility in changing what you have done. When you change buffers the
previous area selection will not be available.
\node "mx_union"
\title "Union with Previous"
\next "mx_intersection"
\prev "mx_useprev"
This tool will take the next region that is selected will be added to the
previously selected area. This is actually a logical OR, and both the
previous and new regions will have the effect applied to them.
\node "mx_intersection"
\title "Intersection with Previous"
\next "mx_complement"
\prev "mx_union"
This will AND the next area selection with the previous. The new effect will
only occur where both the first and second selection are both defined.
\node "mx_complement"
\title "Compliment with Previous"
\next "mx_colorgenmask"
\prev "mx_intersection"
This button will allow you to XOR the new region with the previously selected
region. The effect will take place where the first selection exists and the
second does not. It will also effect where the second selection is and the
first is not. Anywhere that both exist or both do not exist, the effect will
not occur.
\node "mx_colorgenmask"
\title "Color Generate Mask"
\next "mx_exclude"
\prev "mx_complement"
This tool allows you to select a region based upon color and variance from
this color. This can be used with the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Union\} , \{ \ts i \tc
10 Intersection\} , and \{ \ts i \tc 10 Complement \} functions to create
extremly complex masks based upon color selections.
\node "mx_exclude"
\title "Exclude a Region"
\next "mx_holdaspect"
\prev "mx_colorgenmask"
This will select a region based on where the frist and second area selections
are made. The effect will only occur where both the frist and second
selections are not.
\node "mx_holdaspect"
\title "Hold Aspect from Secondary"
\next "mx_ldnewshape"
\prev "mx_exclude"
This forces the dimensions of the rectangle or elipse you select to match the
aspect of the secondary image. This is very useful to keep a merged images
original aspect. You may need to change the aspect ratio of the primary
buffer using the \{ \ts i \tc 10 Set Aspect Ratio \} in the \{ \ts i \tc 10
Buffer \} panel.
See Also: \{ \nw \tc 15 \ts b \link "Set Aspect Ratio " "mrc_hlp/mrc_imageaspect&dpi"
\link "Hold Aspect from Primary" "mx_holdprim"
\node "mx_ldnewshape"
\title "Load New Shape"
\next "mx_saveshape"
\prev "mx_holdaspect"
This will load a shape from the IShapes menu. All of the IShapes available are completely
predefined shapes such as circles, lines, rectangles, and some special shapes.
When the Shape Add button is selected a file requester will appear and then
the shape can be choosen. After this the shape can be sized and placed using
the left mouse button to size the shape and the right mouse button to move
the shape.
\node "mx_saveshape"
\title "Save a Shape"
\next "mx_undo"
\prev "mx_ldnewshape"
This allows you to save a shape you have created. The new shape will be
loaded in the same manner as any other \{ \ts b IShape\} .
\node "mx_undo"
\title "Undo"
\next "mx_zoom"
\prev "mx_ldnewshape"
This will undo the previous operation that was performed on the primary
\node "mx_zoom"
\title "Zoom"
\next "mx_dezoom"
\prev "mx_undo"
This will allow you to zoom into an area in the primary buffer. You can do
multiple zooms, and the arrow keys are used to move with in the zoomed area.
You can de-zoom the area by selecting the \{ \ts i \tc 10 De-Zoom \} button
or by pressing the \{ \ts b < \} key.
\image "clips/zoomed.iff" c
\ce \{ \ts b Zoom Example \}
\node "mx_dezoom"
\title "De-Zoom"
\next "mx_film"
\prev "mx_zoom"
This button will de-zoom any zoomed area back to the original un-zoomed image.
\node "mx_film"
\title "Filmstrip On/Off"
\next "mx_area"
\prev "mx_dezoom"
This button will turn the filmstrip On or Off.
\node "mx_area"
\title "Area Selection Preview Screen"
\next "mx_fast"
\prev "mx_film"
This will display the current area selection that you have made.
\node "mx_fast"
\title "Fast Memory"
\next "mx_chip"
\prev "mx_area"
This graph displays the current fast memory usage.
\node "mx_chip"
\title "Chip Memory"
\next ""
\prev "mx_fast"
This graph displays the current chip memory usage.